What’s up Savages! Today being Friday the 13th means we recently celebrated Veterans Day on November 11th. This day is filled with great social media posts, memes, gifs, and the classic “thank you for your service”. These are all great, but let’s take it a step further. I challenge you to observe Veterans Day every day or at least multiple times a year. How? By supporting veteran-owned businesses. What better way to honor someone’s time served than to support the next evolution of their life journey. Knowing it may be hard to find veteran-owned businesses, I have compiled the list below. I hope this aids in supporting those that have and continue to give to this great nation.
Veteran Owned & Foundations
Half Face Blades - Knives & Cutlery- https://www.halffaceblades.com/
GBRS Group - Firearm Training & Gear- gbrsgroupgear.com
Rhuged - Ammo, Accessories, & Gear- https://rhuged.com/
Vickers Tactical - Firearms Training, Consulting, Gear, & Resources - https://www.vickerstactical.com/
Bravo Company USA - Firearm Accessories - https://bravocompanyusa.com/
Warrior Poet Society - Gear, Apparel, & Training - https://warriorpoetsupplyco.com/
Forged - Apparel - https://www.forged.com/
Kill Cliff - Clean Energy Beverages - https://killcliff.com/
Arsenal Democracy - Firearm Customization & Accessories - https://www.arsenaldemocracy.us/
VET TV - Digital Entertainment ( It’s FUNNY as F**k) - https://www.veterantv.com/
Forward Observations Group - Gear & Apparel - https://forwardobservations.com/
Mayhem Syndicate - Gear & Accessories - https://mayhem-syndicate.com/
Stormrider Gear - Gear - https://www.stormridergear.com/
Navy Seal Foundation - Non-Profit - https://www.navysealfoundation.org/
Don’t forget Savages, BE AUTHENTIK!
